WAF Mindset ئاپەکان

Cute Dog Sliding Puzzle 1.0.1
WAF Mindset
Have fun with cute dogs! Put together funandentertaining puzzles of them.Version 1 includes:Boxer - Originally bred to be medium-size guard dogs.Today,although they are a part of the AKC's Working Group, theymostlyfind homes as loving family companions.Bulldog - Originally used to drive cattle to market andtocompete in a bloody sport called bullbaiting. Today, they'regentlecompanions who love kids. A brief walk and a nap on the sofaisjust this dog breed's speed.Bichon Frise - A cheerful, small dog breed with a loveofmischief and a lot of love to give. With his black eyes andfluffywhite coat, the Bichon looks almost like a child's toy. Anditdoesn't take long to realize that the Bichon can be yourhappiestand most enthusiastic companion.Labrador Retriever - Bred to be both a friendly companion andauseful working dog breed. Historically, he earned his keep asafisherman's helper: hauling nets, fetching ropes, andretrievingfish from the chilly North Atlantic. Today's LabradorRetriever isas good-natured and hard working as his ancestors, andhe'sAmerica's most popular breed. These days the Lab works asaretriever for hunters, assistance dog to the handicapped,showcompetitor, and search and rescue dog, among other caninejobs.Dachshund - Scent hound dog breeds who were bred to huntbadgersand other tunneling animals, rabbits, and foxes. PacksofDachshunds were even used to trail wild boar. Todaytheirversatility makes them excellent family companions, show dogs,andsmall-game hunters.Poodle - Elegant, proud, and clever. Poodles are impressivedogs,as the many best-in-show winners from this dog breed canattest.Behind the blue ribbons, impressive hairdos, and regalattitude,you'll find an affectionate family dog with an ancienthistory andmany talents.Beagle - Small, compact, and hardy, Beagles are activecompanionsfor kids and adults alike. Canines in this dog breed aremerry andfun loving, but being hounds, they can also be stubbornand requirepatient, creative training techniques. Their nosesguide themthrough life, and they're never happier than whenfollowing aninteresting scent. The Beagle originally was bred as ascenthound totrack small game, mostly rabbits and hare.Pitbull - A companion and family dog breed. Originally bredto"bait" bulls, the breed evolved into all-around farm dogs,andlater moved into the house to become "nanny dogs" because theywereso gentle around children. Their tenacity, gameness, andcouragemake them popular competitors in the sports of weightpulling,agility, and obedience competition.
Greek Gods Sliding Puzzle 1.0.1
WAF Mindset
Have fun with the famous Greek Gods!Puttogether fun and entertaining sliding puzzles of them.Version 1 includes:Zeus - the father of Gods and men who rules the OlympiansofMount Olympus. Brother of Poseidon and Hades, unfaithful husbandofHera. He is lord of the sky, the rain god. His weapon isathunderbolt which he hurls at those who displease him. Athiscommand the mighty thunder rolls, the lightning flashes, andtheclouds open and pour forth their refreshing streams to fructifytheearth. One of the 12 Olympians(and its ruler)Athena - the Greek virgin goddess of reason,intelligentactivity, arts and literature. Daughter of Zeus and hisfavoritechild, she sprang fully grown from his forehead and has nomother.Fierce and brave in battle, she is the goddess of thecity,handicrafts, and agriculture.One of the 12 Olympians.Hades - Lord of the underworld, Ruler of the dead, but notthegod of death, as Thanatosos was the god of death.. Brother ofZeusand Poseidon. Husband to Persephone, whom he tricked away fromhermother, Demeter. He is a greedy god who is greatly concernedwithincreasing his subjects. Those whose calling increase thenumber ofdead are seen favorably. He prefers that none of hissubjectsleave. Also the god of wealth, due to the precious metalsminedfrom the earth. He has a helmet that makes him invisible. Herarelyleaves the underworld.One of the 12 Olympians.Poseidon - God of the sea, protector of all waters. BrotherofZeus and Hades. Husband to Amphitrite. His weapon is atrident,which can shake the earth, and shatter any object. He issecondonly to Zeus in power amongst the gods. He has adifficultquarrelsome personality. Extremely greedy, he had a seriesofdisputes with other gods when he tried to take overtheircities.One of the 12 Olympians.Apollo - Son of Zeus and Leto, who was pushed out ofOlympusafter Hera married Zeus. Twin brother to Artemis. An archer,farshooting with a silver bow. The god of healing who taughtmanmedicine. The god of light. The god of truth, who can not speakalie. One of Apollo's more important daily tasks is to harnesshischariot with four horses and drive the Sun across the sky.Dionysus - The only god to have a mortal parent, he is the sonofZeus and Semele. Semele was burned to a crisp throughHera'strickery. Zeus saved Dionysus and carried him in his thighuntil hewas ready to be born. The god of fertility and wine. Heinventedwine and spread the art of tending grapes. He has a dualnature, onone hand bringing joy and divine ecstasy and on the otherbrutal,unthinking, rage.